Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Treatzza Pizza a la Belley...

We were driving home, past Dairy Queen, and of course the boys checked out the sign to see what was on special. "MOM!! The Treatzza Pizzas are on sale! Only 6.97! Can we get one?" I calmly explained that we do not spend $7 on a dessert we can make at home much cheaper. Skeptics that they are, they did not believe me. I took this as a challenge and prepared the following:

Should you want to amaze your family with your culinary skills (or MAYBE get a simple "thank you") here's how I made it:

Prepare peanut butter cookie dough, and make half of it into a giant cookie. I baked it at the regular temperature, but for a few minutes longer. Once cooled spread some vanilla ice cream on top, sprinkle with chopped up brownies and drizzle caramel and chocolate over top.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Put up...

I really don't get why one would say "I put up 16 jars of strawberry jam yesterday". And yet I have heard and read that phrase often. This year, being free from the daily grind of camp life, I have decided to return to canning, or "putting up". This week-end it was strawberries. From 5.6 kilos worth (about 12.3lbs for you empirical types) I "put up"12 jars of jam, 3 dozen muffins, and 2 pies.
All tucked into the freezer and ready to be plucked out when the cold hits us again, for a nice reminder of summer!

This picture shows my 5.6 kilos as well as Judi's batch.


What do two cooks eat when no one is around?


I had the privilege of visiting with Judi, who taught me almost everything I know about cooking for a camp full of hungry kids. We ate VERY well. Unfortunately I didn't think of taking pictures until after breakfast, our second meal together.

In this picture you will see: 5 different fresh fruit, crepes, homemade blueberry and spiced peach jam, coffee, tea, yoghurt. Also in attendance but not photographed were: whipped cream and HOMEMADE maple syrup. YUM!

Before we ate our next meal dessert I thought to take a picture:

YES!! Homemade strawberry ice cream with fresh picked strawberries. Mmmmm...

And yes, because I know you are dying to know, we did field questions from a certain camp kitchen. :0) Don't worry we are charging a consultant's fee...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Delicious, No-Guilt Dessert

I saw this in a cookbook, and thought I'd try it once, but probably wouldn't love it, but I DID!! And now I want to share it!! It's this easy: you slice up a banana, preferably into a pretty bowl, because it tastes MUCH better that way ;0) Then drizzle caramel sauce over top and add a dollop of whipped topping. Mmmmmmmmmm...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tortilla Shrimp Pizza

Mmmm... I "accidentally" made these for lunch, and I thought the recipe worthy of sharing!

6 whole wheat tortillas (6")
3 tbsp chili sauce
1/2 c. chopped yellow pepper
1/2 c. chopped broccoli (this is a great way to use up the stem, just peel and chop)
1/2 c. chopped red onion
24 medium sized shrimp
2 c. shredded mozzarella

Spread 1/2 tbsp chili sauce on each tortilla, sprinkle with the veggies, add 4 shrimp each, sprinkle with cheese and put in 400 degree oven for ~10 min, then broil ~2min. I used a pizza stone which makes them a little crispy underneath.