Sunday, July 12, 2009


What do two cooks eat when no one is around?


I had the privilege of visiting with Judi, who taught me almost everything I know about cooking for a camp full of hungry kids. We ate VERY well. Unfortunately I didn't think of taking pictures until after breakfast, our second meal together.

In this picture you will see: 5 different fresh fruit, crepes, homemade blueberry and spiced peach jam, coffee, tea, yoghurt. Also in attendance but not photographed were: whipped cream and HOMEMADE maple syrup. YUM!

Before we ate our next meal dessert I thought to take a picture:

YES!! Homemade strawberry ice cream with fresh picked strawberries. Mmmmm...

And yes, because I know you are dying to know, we did field questions from a certain camp kitchen. :0) Don't worry we are charging a consultant's fee...

1 comment:

  1. Your camera takes better pictures then my camera. meh.
